A new wave for the lover of the outdoors.

‘Wave Me’ was built on a philosophy, a philosophy that is proven to provide you with the perfect balance of life needed to maintain optimum state of mind, wellbeing and happiness. Do away with all that you do not need. Take time out for what truly matters in life. Get outdoors. Life is short but the beach is long and the outdoors is there for you always. Appreciate it, listen to it, give back while you take what you need and please don’t forget to WAVE.

John and Louise like to keep it simple and maintain a healthy balance of striving for the future while remaining in present time as much as possible. Present time gives you the ability to really enjoy life and create memories. As huge VW enthusiasts, they understand the difficulties in life – especially when your vehicle to freedom and exploration is usually off the road with an engine out BUT it doesn’t stop them loving the vibe and lifestyle that the VW camper offers them. They appreciate ALL like-minded people and are saddened by the fact the ‘wave’ between VW owners seems to be a dying fad but it doesn’t stop them. The T25 may be at the heart of their business but they still encourage the ‘wave’ between all adventurers. “ We wave to motorhomes and many other vans too - it’s an all-round appreciation of the lifestyle”.
Growing up surrounded by camper vans, it was no surprise that these two would create something spectacular that like-minded people would recognise within the community outside of their V Dubs. Who’s camper is that parked up on that hill? Who’s amazing motorhome is that? Well, there’s a big give-away when you see someone down on the beach in a ‘WaveMe’ top or sat on a ‘WaveMe’ deckchair..

It’s not just a brand – it’s a lifestyle choice. Choose balance!

WaveMe - Est 2022

Person sitting on a cliff overlooking Durdle Door, a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England. The ocean is visible in the background.

We’ve carefully designed our t-shirt’s with…

Minimalist logo with yellow sun, blue wave line, and 'Wave me' text.
Logo with wave graphic and text "Wave me"