Make a difference 

You can help by donating today.

Your donation helps us to continue to clean up beaches and connect with local charities who turn that waste into works of art. Your donation helps us hold events to raise awareness for the future generations. We want all our events to eventually be free but we need your help.

WaveMe currently collects vast amounts of ocean waste and personally recycles as much of that waste as possible to help preserve wildlife, marine life and our shores.

We teamed up with non-profit organisations and charities to help raise awareness and support their work by delivering plastics to them that can be transformed into home decor and jewellery. We can then purchase the products from them and give these items to the families and children who have contributed to the big clean ups which in turn educates, motivates and helps our planet. For us to continue doing what we do here in the heart of Somerset and Devon, we do need your support too….


People on a beach, including a woman dressed as a mermaid, participating in a beach cleanup with bags of trash.
Collection of assorted plastic waste items and debris in various colors and shapes.